Making it Easy to Stay Hydrated When Staying Home

Having a hot and cold 5-gallon bottled water dispenser in your home office can change your life. That may sound like a bit much, but it’s true. If you spend your days working remotely, easy access to pure, fresh water can improve your health, increase your productivity, and deliver a steady stream of tasty beverages all year long.

At Clearly Colorado, our home bottled water delivery service makes access to clean, purified water easy and affordable for those who work from home. Our e high-quality dispensers will keep them hydrated and healthy.

Here are three reasons why you need a hot and cold 5-gallon bottled water dispenser if you work remotely:

Purified Bottled Water Protects You and Your Family From Harmful Contaminants

On its way to your home, the water that flows from your taps picks up unwanted and potentially harmful contaminants, bacteria, and solids. Additionally, the pipes in the water systems of older Colorado Springs and Denver neighborhoods contain lead, meaning that the water that flows through those pipes also can contain lead. Pipe concern rises exponentially in areas with high acidity or low mineral content in the water, as that corrodes pipes and fixtures.

Purified water filters out all of these impurities while keeping all of the good minerals your body needs. At Clearly Colorado, we purify our bottled drinking water at filtration and bottling facilities that meet or exceed all federal and state health requirements.

We put our bottled drinking water through rigorous testing by independent labs and follow the International Bottled Water Association’s rules and regulations. We closely monitor the purity of our water each day and have annual FDA inspections and testing. In summary, the bottled water we deliver to Colorado Springs and Denver homes is the cleanest and freshest water available in the state.

Purified Bottled Water Keeps You Hydrated

Not drinking enough H2O can compromise the body’s ability to flush out and rid itself of contaminants. Dehydration can also interfere with quality sleep. A lack of sufficient hydration can therefore make you more likely to get sick, negatively impact your focus, significantly reduce your energy, make you less productive, and increase your stress levels.

Having a supply of fresh, cold water ready at the push of a button will increase the odds that you drink the water you should throughout the day. Men need approximately 125 ounces of water each day, while women should aim for 91 ounces.

We Make it Easy to Put and Keep a 5-Gallon Bottled Water Dispenser in Your Home

No one wants more complications in their already busy lives. But getting a 5-gallon bottled water dispenser in your home and keeping a steady supply of pure water flowing couldn’t be easier. At Clearly Colorado, our bottled drinking water home delivery service does all the work so you can enjoy the benefits of purified water without any hassle.

You can buy or lease any of our bottled water dispensers, which we will install in your home.  Our bottled drinking water home delivery staff can also carry the water bottles into your home, or, if you prefer, we can drop them off outside. When you empty a bottle, you can just leave it out front and we will take it away when we bring your next delivery.

Clearly Colorado: Delivering The Purest Water to Homes Up and Down The Front Range

Working from home can take some getting used to. But surrounding yourself with all of the things that make you happy and productive can make your home office the place to be.  At Clearly Colorado, we are committed to delivering the purest, highest quality water available to homes up and down the Front Range. We are passionate about customer service and have a well-earned reputation for dependability, consistency, and trustworthiness.

To learn more about hot and cold 5-Gallon bottled water dispensers and how Clearly Colorado’s home bottled water delivery service can help you and your family stay healthy and productive, please contact us for a free quote.

Read More on Purified Water in Colorado

What Everybody Ought to Know About Drinking Purified Water

Can Proper Hydration Help You Sleep Better?

Chemicals in Tap Drinking Water?!