The drinking water provided to Colorado Springs residents tastes so good, that you might be wondering why you would ever choose filtered water over tap water.  After all, living in Southern Colorado, we have access to some of the best-tasting and natural sources of water anywhere, the beautiful Rocky Mountains. But, even the best tap water can still have trace amounts of bacteria, disinfectants and other compounds that affect the overall taste and purity of the water.

Let’s see what some of these contaminants are, and why you should choose filtered water over tap water. 

Safe Drinking Water

Access to safe drinking water is a primary concern of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Safe Drinking Water Act and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Safety. Colorado Springs Utilities, where many of us get our tap water for drinking, follows these guidelines and regulations to the letter.  But, according to the Colorado Springs Utilities 2020 Water Quality Report, these are a few of the things left in our tap water, even after the filtration process has done its magic.

Lead and Copper

The water coming from Colorado Springs Utilities has been filtered for lead and copper, but the issue arises when it enters your home. If the plumbing pipes in your home are copper or have naturally occurring lead, they can deteriorate in time. This gives the water coming from your tap a metallic taste. If your tap water has this taste, it is highly recommended that you have your water tested.  High levels of lead in particular can be extremely hazardous to your health.

Disinfectants, Specifically Chlorine

Disinfectants are added to drinking water to control the growth of microbes that cause disease and illness. Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant, and the levels are closely monitored in the City of Colorado Springs water distribution centers to ensure the safety of the drinking water.  However, people with compromised immune systems, or those on dialysis, need to be especially careful with the levels of disinfectants in their drinking water or home dialysis machines.

Related: Water Delivery vs Single-Use Bottled Water

Unregulated Contaminants

These contaminants in drinking water are those that do not yet have a standard for safe usage set by the EPA. In 1996, the EPA amended the Safe Water Drinking Act to monitor over 30 compounds to see if future regulation for these compounds is necessary.  According to the amendment, this monitoring must occur no less than every five years. This means that while the EPA may set regulations for a contaminant today, it could have been in your tap water has unsafe levels for up to five years.   

filtered water over tap water

How Is Purified, Filtered Water From Clearly Colorado Different?

When water is free from the above contaminants, it tastes better and is better for you. At Clearly Colorado, the health and safety of our community is our top priority, and we pride ourselves on providing water that is virtually 100% pure. So how do we do it? 

We start by getting water from the same source that you get your tap water. That is the beautiful Rocky Mountains. But before being distributed to you, our high-tech water filtration center uses multi-stage filtration, including reverse osmosis, to remove over 99% of inorganic contaminants. 

But that is just the beginning.  After the inorganic compounds are removed, we use ozone injection and ultraviolet light exposure to eliminate almost all of the organic contaminants and microbes that might remain. 

The end result is pure, oxygenated drinking water that does not contain chlorine, lead or organic contaminants.  

More And More Homes and Businesses Are Choosing Clearly Colorado’s Filtered Water Over Tap Water 

Clearly Colorado always exceeds even the highest standards in the industry. Because of that, we are trusted by hundreds of homes and businesses in every corner of Colorado.

If you are ready to see the difference of pure, filtered water over tap water, contact us today. Our team is ready to meet with you to provide a free consultation about your home and business drinking water needs.  

Additional Reading:

Let’s Get Real, Finding a Business Water Delivery Service Near Me Is A Hassle. This Will Help.

Work From Home? Why You Need a Hot and Cold 5-Gallon Bottled Water Dispenser

Mistakes to Avoid When Ordering Bottled Water Coolers For Offices