Monet Water Plus Ice

Monet Water Plus Ice Bottleless Dispensers State-of-the-Art Water & Ice for Office and Breakrooms Monet Bottleless Water Coolers for Office and Home The Art of Hydration On demand, get water and ice.  Water PLUS Ice is an office bottleless water dispenser...

DTWUSA Brio 3000 Series Hot and Cold Water Cooler

DTWUSA Brio 3000 Series Hot and Cold Water Cooler DWTUSA’s Compact and Convenient Water Cooler DTWUSA Brio 3000 Premiere Series Countertop 4 Stage UF Filter POU Hot and Cold Water Cooler Features: Instant hot & cold temperature water. This product is...

International H20 1500P

International H20 1500P Sleek and Reliable Cooler with Instant Hot/Cold Water SPECIFICATIONS & FEATURES Dimensions, 14″ W x 14″ L x 48″ H Weight, 52 lbs Cold Tank, 3 gallon Hot Tank, 1.5 gallon Cooling, 3 gal/hour 37-50°F Heating, 2.8 gal/hour 180°F Our newest...