Utilizing the services of water delivery companies offers a number of advantages over the hassles of store bought water. At the end of the day their services save you time, energy and of course money. With a Price for Life Guarantee you will never be surprised by a price hike, so your initial savings never end. Clearly Colorado offers the best rates and their non-commissioned staff of professional delivery drivers never over deliver, only bringing exactly what you need into your home or office. While standard delivery schedules are either every two weeks or monthly, a custom bottled water delivery plan can be arranged to meet the exact needs of your family or business.

When using one of your local Colorado Springs area bottled water delivery companies you can choose from a varied inventory of bottled water crocks and stands, counter top dispensers, and of course the iconic free standing water cooler. All of these options also give you the choice between purchasing or leasing your bottled water dispensers. Should you choose the popular option of leasing you will have the added peace of mind that they will handle all maintenance and repair of your equipment!

Having filtered and tested bottled drinking water that you know has been throughly tested to avoid harmful chemicals, particles and additives at your disposal offers relief from concerns over the quality of your tap water. Using the services of Colorado Springs area water delivery companies shouldn’t be considered a luxury, their affordable rates and delivery plans will fit into virtually any budget. Take a few moments and give Clearly Colorado a call to set up an appointment so you can see first hand the quality of their product with free trials or get a free quote today.