(719) 633-6887 info@clearlycolorado.com

Live Healthier by Avoiding GMO Foods

Move over “high fructose corn syrup,” “gluten-free” and “whole grain!” In the past month or so, it’s become apparent that foods that contain no Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) will be the next big thing in healthy eating. Non-GMO foods will play a leading role in healthy trends, but surprisingly few people know what they are. Genetically modified organisms have been used to make food crops more resistant to pesticides and more tolerant of adverse conditions. However, they have also been shown to cause harm to animals, humans and the environment, but for some reason their numbers continue to grow despite opposition.

Three Destinations for Your Next Adventure Vacation

One of the side benefits of getting in shape is how it changes the rest of your life, and I don’t just mean how well your clothes fit. Healthy adults also enjoy more variety in the way they experience life. Instead of watching marathons and bike races pass them by; they participate. Instead of booking a hotel for a sightseeing trip, they plan vacations that include hiking, skiing, horseback riding and bungee jumping. They start to enjoy the outdoors in ways they had never dreamed possible, and yes, they even plan adventure vacations.

Water Coolers – Beyond The Office Staple

Office water coolers are such a staple in most working American’s lives that we have gone so far as to coin the term “water cooler effect” to describe the ubiquitous phenomenon of employees gathering around water coolers to chat. TV series often shoot for their programing to have a water cooler effect, meaning they received incredible buzz from the evening before. That iconic five gallon jug stand of drinking water is an unmistakeable image, but one that is slowly becoming dated. Office water delivery companies have kept up with advances in water filtration technology and now have a large selection of more efficient and effective coolers, dispensers and basins for you to choose from.

Environmental Benefits of Filtered Water

America has become addicted to single use bottled water. We purchase and consume trillions of gallons of bottled water every year. Trillions sounds like hyperbole but in 2007 it was 9 trillion and climbing. Single use bottled water seems safer than tap water in many areas, is convenient, and easy to keep in the fridge so we always cold drinking water at hand. This convenience comes at a huge cost to the environment as well as your wallet. These are some of the reasons why point-of-use water filtration systems through Colorado Springs water delivery services are the future of pure, clean, delicious drinking water at home and for businesses.

Environmental Issues

The environment; oil prices and availablility; and stressing our landfills are real and serious concerns for everyone.  clearly colorado has an environmental commitment to always improve our technology and product offerings.

For example, we monitor the industry and intend to move to corn-based bottles when a reliable corn-based bottle becomes available. 

EPA Called Upon to Respond to Drugs-in-Water

WASHINGTON — Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-NJ, who chaired an April 15 US Senate hearing on pharmaceutical compounds in US drinking water supplies, said that the US Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) response to the situation was insufficient, according to an April 15 Associated Press (AP) report.

After the hearing, he told the AP, “To me, it represents a sleight of hand that we are familiar with here.”